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Historical information about Wimmis Castle

We are happy to inform you here with some highlights from our public castle and church tours. If you would like to know more, why not visit us in person on a public or individual tour?

more details you find here

994 - First written mention (cession contract by Emperor Otto III to the Selz Monastery in Alsace.

Descendants of the Lords of Strättligen build the first habitable part (palace) and receive the coat of arms with three white roses and a golden arrow


The lords of Weissenburg took over the castle around 1200 and extended it with a transverse building.

They create a «Letzi» (customs station) and thus come into wealth

«Städtli» with market rights around 1300


From 1300, The Bernese period dawns

Various wars between Bernese and Weissenburgs, supported by Duke Leopold (Habsburg). 
 The Weissenburgs bow to the Bernese superiority and become Bernese-Burghers.




1439 The Weissenburgs die out, Bern buys the goods and castle from the heirs.
Wimmis becomes the official seat of the Niedersimmental

The time of the Castlanes

Expansion of the castle to its present form

1798 «End of the Ancien Regime» of Bern

In modern times, the castle has been occupied as follows: governor's office, military court, secondary school, police station, prison, juvenile court, regional court and currently the offices of the forestry office are at home in Wimmis Castle. There is also a flat which is rented out.

Some impressions of the castle


We hope that this historical review has whetted your appetite and would be delighted to meet you on one of our guided tours.